20+ peer-reviewed articles & 25+ patents
Functional MRI Neurofeedback outperforms CBT for reducing Tinnitus
Deployment of an electrocorticography system with a soft robotic actuator
Soft scalable adaptable multi-contact cuff electrode for targeted peripheral nerve modulation
Subdural soft EcoG array implantation and long-term recording
A low-profile electromechanical packaging system for soft-to-flexible bioelectronic interfaces
DCN vs. VCN stimulation in the auditory brainstem implant
Upper limb control via epidural electrical stimulation of cervical dorsal roots
Neuroprosthetic baroreflex controls haemodynamics after spinal cord injury
Chronic recording of cortical activity underlying vocalization
Recruitment of upper-limb motoneurons with epidural electrical stimulation of the cervical spinal cord
MRI-compatible and conformal ECoG grids
Soft, implantable bioelectronic interfaces for translational research
Microstructured thin-film electrode technology enables proof of concept of scalable, soft auditory brainstem implants
Long-term functionality of a soft electrode array for epidural spinal cord stimulation in a minipig model
Advantages of soft subdural implants for the delivery of electrochemical neuromodulation therapies to the spinal cord
Selective recruitment of arm motoneurons in nonhuman primates using epidural electrical stimulation of the cervical spinal cord
Reversible elasticity in ductile and brittle thin films
Materials and technologies for soft implantable neuroprostheses
Platinum-elastomer mesocomposite as neural electrode coating
Electronic dura mater for long-term multimodal neural interfaces
Stretchable electrodes for neuroprosthetic interfaces
Mechanisms of reversible stretchability of thin metal films on elastomeric substrates